Fight Junkie VIP Membership Opportunity!
Boxeo: +0.30 Units
Krakrabbit: +0.30 Units
Doody: +0.30 Units
Grasshopper: +0.30 Units
D3: +0.30 Units
3/13 -- Adrian Curiel V Rosendo Hugo Guarneros
11:00PM ET/11:00PM PT
3/13 -- Brandun Lee V Camilo Prieto
10:00PM ET/10:00PM PT
3/14 -- James Kirkland V Mark Anthony Hernandez
9:00PM ET/6:00PM PT
3/14 -- Miguel Marriaga V Shakur Stevenson
9:00PM ET/6:00PM PT
3/17 -- Michael Conlan V Belmar Preciado
9:00PM ET/6:00PM PT
3/14 -- Kevin Lee V Charles Oliveira
2:00PM ET/11:00AM PT
Stevenson {-5000}
Marriaga {+2500}
Hernandez (-750}
Wilson {+450}
Lee {-145}
Oliveira {+125}
Burns {-175}
Maia {+155}
Congratulations, you have stumbled onto the best resource for making money in combat sports!
Have you ever watched boxing or MMA and kicked yourself after the match was over for not wagering on the fight? Have you even tried betting on your favorite fighter(s) only to be disappointed with the results?
Well my friend, today is your lucky day!
Fight Junkie has assembled some of the best fight handicappers in the entire world!
I know that is a bold statement, but the proof is in the pudding. Since 2006 this site has been in operation and offering boxing and MMA picks to anyone who was lucky enough to find this invaluable resource!
During that span our team has been knocking the books all over the ring! We have NEVER had a losing total team unit since the site's inception!
In case you missed that part, let me say it again... We have never had one single year with a negative total team unit!
Now, I'm not saying that to brag and boast (well maybe a little) but the facts are the facts.
You may be asking yourself "what is a total team unit?"
Here at Fight Junkie each of our units represents a $100.00 wager. So for example if we place a 2 unit bet on a certain fighter, in real world currency terms that would be a $200.00 dollar bet on said fighter.
So, when we say we have never had one single year with a negative total team unit, that simply means we have profited as a team every single year the site has been in operation!
If you're wondering about the overall teams wins V losses... don't bother!
I'm going to let you in on a little secret, people tracking and spouting off wins V losses on combat sports are either idiots or trying to pad their profile in an attempt to distract you away from what really matters...profit!
The reason wins V losses means absolutely nothing when tracking profits won or lost on combat sports is because you are not getting a generic -110 line on either side of the coin like you do in other sports.
Let me give you an example that highlights why wins V losses are totally irrelevant and will never be used by Fight Junkie to accurately obtain our total units won or lost.
Let's pretend you go through your couch cushions, empty your car's coin tray and rob your children's piggy bank all so you can send every last coin to Fight Junkie and become one of our V.I.P. members.
You wait for access to the team's picks and once obtained you quickly reach for the money you have earned from donating blood & plasma and place your bets based off the team's recommendations.
Let's pretend the team gives you four picks over the month (in reality we sometimes do more than that on one single weekend.)
The first week outta the gate the team recommends an underdog wager that comes in at a whopping +400! You placed a one (1) unit bet on that recommended play and profited a total of $400.00. (never count your original investment in calculating your profit margin)
The second week the team recommends a play at +100 (even money). You once again place a one (1) unit bet and let the chips fall where they may. Unfortunately, this time around the team is wrong and you lose your initial bet of $100.00.
Week three comes around and you are ready to get back in the saddle and win some more dough. The team's recommendation comes in and you quickly fork over a one (1) unit bet on a +125 play. Once again the team's recommendation doesn't come in and you lose another $100.00.
The final week of the month arrives and you need, no you must have a win! The team's recommendation hits the wire and you drop another one (1) unit on a +225 play. You must have angered the betting Gods because the team loses its third straight pick! You're out another $100.00.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the team went 1-3 and you must have depleted a very large chuck of your betting bankroll thanks to their terrible recommendations!
Well, hold on there ace, let's take a close look at these numbers to get an accurate picture of our profit or loss.
On week one you hit the holy grail and nailed a +400 play. That gave you a starting profit of $400.00.
The second week you lost $100.00, our running total is a net profit of $300.00 ($400.00-$100.00=$300.00).
The third week was another loss and thus you were out another $100.00. Our running total is now sitting at a net profit of $200.00 ($400.00-$100.00-$100.00=$200.00).
The final week (the one where you pissed off the betting Gods) you lost another $100.00 bucks. Our running total is now a net profit of $100.00 ($400.00-$100.00-$100.00-$100.00=$100.00).
A 1-3 overall win V loss record yet you somehow went home packing a $100.00 profit for the hypothetical month of recommended picks from the team.
Granted, the above hypothetical month is a very simplistic example and was admittedly chosen to show you how you can still profit cold hard cash while having a "losing" win V loss record, but it highlights how in combat sports where there are a wide array of betting options and huge difference in available odds pricing, the win V loss record means absolutely nada.
I didn't even touch on the scam of counting a -5000 favorite (bet 5k to win $100.00) "win" as some great conquest and proof of their amazing and ungodly fight handicapping skills. As comical and unbelievable as that may sound, it is routinely used and bragged about as documentation at how well they can cap the sport and make money!
Although Fight Junkie does not count win V loss, you will NEVER get recommended plays like that one listed above from any of our team members! There is a little formula we like to use called risk V reward and that type of play certainly does not fit the bill.
Now that doesn't mean we won't have some type of play on a match where one fighter is heavily favored, that is one of the beautiful things about combat sports odds, they are usually a large varitey of available outcomes to choose from and our team is the best at finding value where others see none.
Now you may be wondering why we decided to go with a team format instead of just one person making their predictions week in and week out? The truth of the matter is, they were all too damn good to pass up!
Since inception, we have used the team format and are currently running with a five (5) man handicapping powerhouse that offers their own unit wagers on the fights we choose to preview.
As time went by we realized that our VIP members enjoyed the option of being able to look at all of our teams wagers, and gravitate towards the person{s} they feel best suited their own wagering style.
While each team member is free to choose their own wagering system, pick their own play, and follow their own tolerance for risk, don't expect any of our team members to ever steer you off track or deviate from the forumula that has made them successful fight handicappers and made our site the biggest and the best fight capping site the world has to offer.
In fact, our team and VIP members are so like-minded that other capping sites have criticized us for more often than not, being on the same page when it comes to capping a particular MMA or boxing match!
You read that right, our competitors actually tried to criticize our team and forum members for accurately agreeing on the winners of a particular match more often than not!!
Before we go any further I think its important to point out that it doesnt matter one single bit if you're a die-hard gambler, a sports enthusiast, or even someone who hates betting and can't stand sports, you can still make piles of money doing what might be the world's easiest job (simply following the recommendations of the team!).
Our team does all the 'work' for you, unloading every vein of our bodies into continually expanding our knowledge base, further enhancing our time tested expertise in the art of combat sports betting. This dedication to our craft may potentially never stop dropping regular intervals of cash into your bank account!
What sets our team apart from the rest in the industry is not only our hard work and determination, it's the art of combat sports itself that leads many to fail when attempting to wager and win consistently.
Combat sports betting is unlike any other sports betting in the world. It is NOT a stricly stat driven sports. Basically, a fighters record doesnt always tell the story of what may or may not happen in the match.
It takes real ability and massive amounts of time to dissect a potential match-up down to it's core fundamentals to determine the most likely and profitable outcome of a match.
Speaking of profits, another aspect where combat sports knocks out it's competition is in relation to the difference prices in odds. No stinky -110 on either side of the coin here (although it does happen on occasion it is not the general rule). No buying points to try and increase your odds of winning your wager!
As we highlighted above, that difference in odds price can be a real game changer to your bankroll when you start unloading on + money plays and winning.
Depending on the size of your wager and available odds, each bet can routinely place thousands of dollars in heart-thumping winnings into your wallet. Not a bad ROI for simply joining the Fight Junkie family!
Imagine knocking out all of the dangerous pitfalls of other betting systems and sports that require you to increase your stakes to recover previous losses, or wagering on games with dreadful risk-to-reward ratios.
Now, our Fight Junkie team of experts don't claim to have some magical formula that guarantees winners on each and every single bet you're ever going to place. No person(s) or system(s) are going to be able to provide that, not now, not ever!
What we will do is provide you with our time tested formula that simply allows you to PROFIT on a CONSISTENT basis. All of this expertise is delivered to you without ever requiring you to do any of the work. All you need is a few minutes a day to place your wagers!
Get onboard with us, and you can take the shortcut to sports betting virtuoso -- even if you're the greenest of beginners who can't tell the difference between a boxing glove and a catcher's mitt!
Just imagine what you can do tapping into our wealth of knowledge that can potentially propel your earnings. Think of the possibility of having the key to your own private cash register that can ring up and payout any time a combat sports match occurs, making you happier and more financially secure than you've ever been!
Our ferocious knowledge beast is about to be unleashed onto an eager market. You have the reach-for-the-stars opportunity today to bring home this monstrosity and liberate it onto the unsuspecting sports books as you potentially begin a hardcore, cash-pulling money siphon process so magical, it's almost immoral!
You can put this gilt-edged gift to work for you today and begin raiding the sports books for possible gains of up to thousands and more as each Fight Junkie recommended play is released!
Think about all of those who came before you that have found our invaluable resource and starting cash in on our knowledge of boxing and MMA wagering. Don't let this opportunity pass you by for one second longer. Now is the time to start a journey that may fundamentally change your life and the lives of your loved ones!
But look, we all know talk is cheap. I could be sitting here until the cows come home endlessly blabbering about how our combat sports system may be the best thing invented since sliced bread, but I won't do that.
There are simply too many wannabe sports handicappers on the internet acting crafty behind a screen. What separates us from the other wishful sports experts and so-called handicappers (that can't pick their own nose) is that our reputation and history are fully established!
Not only can our customers attesting to just how well we profit year in and year out, you can watch our progress every single week from the comfort of your own home!
Each weekend we tally up our units won or lost and update our site with the current running total of where each team member stands. That means you can follow along with us every single week and watch our running totals move up, down, and all around.
In fact, scroll back up and look to the left sidebar, there you will see the teams running unit totals as well as the fight week schedule and some sneak peek at future fight odds.
If tracking the running totals each week isn't good enough for you, we even post our previous weeks plays into our archive section so you can take a peek and look over what we played, how much we played, and read the entire original preview of each and every fight that we recommended for that week.
If that doesn't scream full disclosure and confidence in our profit making ability I don't know what does!
It's time for you to stop dismembering your own hard-earned bankroll blindly wagering on sports. Tap into our vast knowledge of combat sports wagering right now and you can give your combat sports betting ventures a shot of steroids.
Our revolutionary, profit-harvesting system may just have you legally pick-pocketing the sportsbooks in broad daylight!
Once you tap into our brains and extract our insider recommended plays, nothing you ever do for the rest of your life may be as easy and simple to make such jaw-dropping amounts of earnings hands-free for so little time spent!
We have proven year after year that our knowledge of combat sports wagering works across the board regardless of your budget, location, knowledge, experience, or interests in wagering or combat sports!
When you join our VIP membership, you won't be betting on every single fight. Those who are chancing their opportunities for the sake of entertainment are just simply pressing their luck, and that luck will sooner or later eventually run dry.
Our system will only have you betting on particular fights that our team has calculated to have extraordinarily high chances of winning success or present an extreme value for the wager placed. Our process of fight handicapping is complicated and cannot be completed by just anyone. We take into consideration too many variables to list, but rest assured those variables help us determine which fight we feel will have an exceptionally high probability of winning success and which are value based plays.
When you make the decision to purchase the Fight Junkie VIP membership, it is without question the bargain of the decade!
The cost for you to tap into some of the greatest fight handicappers minds on the planet is so trivial compared to the potential amount of heart-thumping winnings you can earn back as the fights play out!
Considering the fortunes that our team can potentially make for you, I can put up a price tag for our services in the tens of thousands and it can still be well worth every penny, knowing that it has the potential to recoup itself over and over again while spoon-feeding you with piles of cash for simply minutes a day.
And because we like your face, we are not going to stop at just providing you with unlimited earning potential via our fight handicapping team's recommended plays, we are also going to provide you with complete access to our Online and local Las Vegas odds database!
This odds database contains the top Online (offshore) sports book fight odds as well as the local Las Vegas casino fight odds! This invaluable resource allows you to compare prices across both Online books as well as the local casinos in Las Vegas.
Also, as a super duper special bonus we are offering unlimited access to our betting forum! Our forum is worth the price of our membership alone!
Our forum is where VIP members get together and discuss all of the future fights that are hitting the books. Real magic occurs here folks, and in addition to the teams recommended plays each week, you can make an absolute killing with the information that is discussed week in and week out in our betting forums!
As you can see we are providing you mountains of invaluable tools that will help ensure you profit on a consistent basis.
As we all know, knowledge is not cheap, it comes at a cost... But, thank your lucky stars and prepare yourself for one shocking surprise.
We won’t be asking you for tens of thousands. We won’t ask you for half of that! In fact, we will allow you to tap into our vast knowledge that you can use for yourself year after year to spank the books, all for an affordable membership price that you are able to choose.
We are currently running our special 3/6/12 month VIP membership deals. All three VIP membership deals receive the exact same content, only the amount of time that content is accessible is different.
Should you choose our three (3) month VIP membership the cost will be $450.00 for all three (3) months. That breaks down to only $150.00 per month for this VIP membership option.
If you would like to join our six (6) month VIP membership the cost will be $600.00 for all six (6) months. That breaks down to only $100.00 per month for this VIP membership option.
If you are with us for the long haul and elect the twelve (12) month VIP membership the cost will be $1000.00 for all twelve (12) months. That breaks down to only $83.33 per month for this VIP membership option.
This one small investment may be the answer you've been looking for that can potentially allow you to live the lifestyle you've always wanted!
You have the rare opportunity right now to dip into our secret vault and pillage from our proven, battle-field-tested knowledge and put it to work for you for life!
As much as they may try, the truth is that most bettors fail to make a profit from their craft. That’s because when you’re dealing with combat sports, there are just simply too many ways for things to go wrong.
As we touched on before, this isnt an entirely stat driven sport and if you treat it like one you will lose your shirt wagering. The sports books prey on these people to aimlessly sabotage their hard-earned cash away on bets. Don't let that be you.
Secure access to our Fight Junkie VIP membership today, and you can be slamming the brakes on your past failures, hack your way toward greener pastures, and finally climb aboard the victory vessel you've always dreamed about.
Of course, it goes without saying that we will NEVER guarantee any winnings or plays because results of any wagering event(s) are intangibles that nobody outside of the people involved can control.
When any sports handicapper or advisor guarantees certain winning picks to you, they're doing nothing more than talking out of the sides of their mouth to earn a quick buck, because results of sporting competitions are simply not under the control of any one of us!
What kind of a value does our combat betting knowledge really have? Well...let me pose to you this practical scenario: You can spend that money today to reserve a getaway to your local hotel this weekend...OR, you can put that investment to work for you right now!
If our knowledge of combat sports works anywhere near as well as it has in the past,you can pick and choose whenever and wherever you want that getaway to take place!
The very moment you gain access to the Fight Junkie VIP membership our proven knowledge of combat sports betting will be yours to start using as you see fit to help pad your bankroll and improve your lifestyle!
You may just be hitting yourself over the head as to how well-off you could have been at this point in your betting career had you been using our combat sports knowledge from the start!
The small investment that you make to join the Fight Junkie VIP membership can have the potential to pay for itself on your very first bet!
In fact, if you are worried about the investment costs to get started in the Fight Junkie VIP membership...STOP! Have confidence in yourself that you are able to recognize grand opportunities and take the required steps necessary to try and improve your financial situation
If you want the opportunity to improve your finances you must take action! I don't care if you are investing in stocks, bonds, or real estate. The fact is, you must risk something if you expect a reward. Nobody does nothing and has treasures dropped into their laps.
Is there risk in our VIP membership? Of course, there is risk in every single thing we do every day. Sitting on the sidelines due to fear is NEVER going to allow you to achieve your dreams and goals. You have to glove up and get in the ring if you want a chance to win the title!
There are simply no more excuses. I'm giving you access to some of the best combat sports handicappers around, served on a nice shiny silver platter!
We have put in the work for you and paved the way for you to join us on our journey of sports book ass kicking at its finest!
It's your turn to grab this opportunity and join the elites. Seize it now, before the moment passes.
One simple secret to making money is not to miss out on opportunities! NHL's All-Time Great Wayne Gretzky once famously stated that "You Miss 100% of the Shots You Never Take." Don't let this be the one potential winning shot to lifelong fortune you'll miss out on for the rest of your life!
UPDATE: As of 2019 we have started during a FREE fight prediction podcast and are suspending our VIP membership for now. You can catch the podcast via our Fight Junkie You Tube Channel
Anchor FM
Google Podcasts
Apple Podcast
Basically anywhere you can find and listen to a podcast you will find the "Fight Junkie" podcast show.